Tag Archives: The Planet of the Apes

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Very Tense Prequel to The Planet of the Apes franchise

8 Sep

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the story of how the planet of the apes came to be.  James Franco stars as Will Rodman, a scientist who is working on a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.  His dad (John Lithgow) has the disease.  Will and his team are experimenting on apes.

Caesar and Will

When it is discovered that Bright Eyes had a baby and died trying to protect him, Will brings the baby home and raises it like a father would raise his son.  Will steals his experimental drug  so that he can use it on his father. At first, this works, but then his father’s disease spreads rapidly and kills him.

Because of an altercation with a neighbor, Caesar (Andy Serkis) is sent to a sanctuary for apes. At first, Caesar is picked on for being different (he wears clothes and is smarter than everyone else).  At the sanctuary, the apes are abused by one of the sanctuary’s caretakers (Tom Felton of the Harry Potter films).  Eventually, the apes escape and save the apes from the lab where Will works, as well as the apes from the zoo.

Apes on the Golden Gate Bridge

There is a big battle on the Golden Gate Bridge in which apes and humans die.  Will knows where the apes are going—when he gets there, he tells Caesar he’s taking him home. Caesar says he is home. Caesar has bonded with the other apes.


This movie was pretty good. It starts out as a love story between a man and an ape and then progresses into a story about apes being mistreated, which leads us to an ape revolt. The love story is not well developed. Will doesn’t shed one tear when he has to give Caesar up. The love story between Will and the vet (Freida Pinto) is also not well developed because we do not know if they are married or boyfriend and girlfriend; all we know is that they are living together.

This movie is very tense.  There is a lot of action in it.  Some scenes are scary. The acting is okay.  The special effects were good.

I would recommend this movie to fans of action movies, and fans of The Planet of the Apes films.  I would give this film a B because it is good, not great.