Archive | August, 2013

Chuck: Awesome Spy Show

23 Aug


Chuck is one of my favorite TV shows. It is about Chuck Bartowski, a young man who works at the Buy More. Chuck accidentally becomes a spy.  He has an on again / off again girlfriend named Sarah. Sarah is also a spy.  Chuck’s best friend is Morgan.

John Casey from Chuck

In last night’s episode, Morgan was trying to hide his forbidden romance with Alex from Alex’s father, John Casey.  John Casey is a spy who works with Sarah and Chuck. Ellie and Devin, Chuck’s sister and brother-in -law were invited to go to Costa Gravas by the president of that country.  In a previous episode, Devin had saved the president’s life. Sarah and Chuck go to Costa Gravas with Devin and Ellie. When they get there, the president’s wife tries to take control of the country.  Chuck is successful in his attempt to change the president’s wife’s mind.

Chuck & Sarah from Chuck

Chuck is full of action. It also has a lot of humor in it.

The Big Bang Theory: Nerd Heaven

23 Aug

The Big Bang Theory

The Cast of The Big Bang Theory

Last night’s episode of The Big Bang Theory was pretty funny. The Big Bang Theory is funny  on a regular basis. In this episode, Sheldon Cooper breaks up with Amy Farrah Fowler, his girlfriend / not girlfriend. He describes his relationship to her as being friends with a girl.  As a result of his “breakup,” Sheldon gets a cat.  After that, he gets more and more cats.  His roomate Leonard becomes concerned and calls Sheldon’s mother. Sheldon’s mother comes to fix the problem.  She invites Amy to Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment. After talking with Amy for a while, Sheldon’s mother decides that Amy is not right for Sheldon.  As a result of this, Sheldon and Amy agree to resume their relationship. Sheldon and Amy are very much alike; in fact, Amy can be described as a “female Sheldon.”

Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, and Penny from The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, and Penny spend a lot of time together. Sheldon is very annoying. Leonard used to date Penny. Howard is Leonard and Sheldon’s friend and colleague—he lives  with his mother.  Raj is another friend  and colleague  of Leonard and Sheldon; he is Indian, and can only talk to women when he’s drunk. Penny is an aspiring actress and a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory; she is Leonard and Sheldon’s neighbor.

The Town: Good Crime Drama

23 Aug

The Town poster

The Town is the second film that Ben Affleck directed. It is about bank robbers. Like his directorial debut, Gone Baby Gone, The Town takes places in Boston, Massachusetts, Ben Affleck’s hometown.

Ben Affleck & Jeremy Renner in The Town

The Town has many good actors in it, including Ben Affleck, Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Hall, Blake Lively, and Jon Hamm.  Ben Affleck plays the main character, Doug MacRay, a man trying to get out of a life of crime.  Jeremy Renner plays Doug’s best friend Jem; Jem has a short temper. Rebecca Hall is Doug’s love interest; she was  taken as a hostage in the beginning of the film.  Blake Lively was literally unrecognizable as Jem’s (Jeremy Renner)  sister. She was a single mother and a drug addict.  Jon Hamm played an FBI agent investigating the bank robberies.

Jon Hamm & Rebecca Hall in The Town

The Town had a lot of action in it. There were a few flaws  in the film. For example, the FBI agents  didn’t seem to be all that smart.  They knew who the bank robbers were, but they didn’t continuously trail them.  I didn’t like that every other word was a variation of the “F” word.  Parts of the film were very violent.  As a whole, The Town was a good movie; it wasn’t great. I would rate  The Town a B+.

Survivor Nicaragua: Which Is Better, To Be Annoying, or Paranoid?

23 Aug

Survivor Nicaragua

I have been a fan of the reality show Survivor since it started. Jeff Probst is the host of Survivor.  He tells the tribes what the challenge is. Later, he reads the votes when the losing tribe is sent to Tribal Council.

Naonka from Survivor Nicaragua

Kelly B. from Survivor Nicaragua

This season has tribes divided into young and old. Last week, the older tribe voted out Jimmy Johnson, the former NFL coach. I think this was a bad move because he was their leader. As a result of this, there was a feud between Jimmy T. and Marty, and Jimmy T. was  voted out.  I think this was a good move because Jimmy T.  was annoying and paranoid.  On the younger tribe, Naonka seems to dislike everyone. Naonka is annoying because she is always expressing her opinions of people.  Kelly B. is interesting because she has an artificial leg.  Until now, there has never been a contestant on the show who had an artificial leg. Kelly B. is really nice, yet Naonka doesn’t like her. She is aligned with Alina, another person whom Naonka dislikes. In next week’s  show Naonka will have a nervous breakdown. Hopefully, she will be voted out soon because I can’t stand her.  I find it interesting that on the older tribe  there is someone who can barely walk. His name is Dan, and I don’t know how much longer he can last on the show.  Survivor is the same  every season, but it is still interesting.

Easy A: Not Just Another Teen Movie

23 Aug

Easy A poster

Easy A  is a teen comedy. Going into it, I thought it would be really funny. I was surprised to find out that it had more than just humor; in fact, there were some sad parts to it. Easy A is about a girl named Olive who is anonymous at her high school.  She is palyed by Emma Stone.  I thought that in some scenes, Stone looked a little bit like Lindsay Lohan.  Easy A is sort of a modern day story of The Scarlet Letter, except that there’s no adultery. Instead, Olive lies about having sex and her lies spread throughout the school, thus making her popular.

Emma Stone and Amanda Bynes in Easy A

I thought the supporting cast was really good. I liked Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive’s parents.  Amanda Bynes was good as  Olive’s nemesis.  I have been a fan of her since she was on Nickelodeon.  Thomas Haden Church played Olive’s English teacher Mr. Griffith.  I was an English major in college so I thought his character was great. Lisa Kudrow played the guidance counselor, who was married to Church’s character.  Even though she wasn’t in it much, I thought she did a good job.  There were also a few TV  actors in the movie , such as  Penn Badgely of Gossip Girl and Dan Byrd of CougarTown. Penn Badgely played Woodchuck Todd, Olive’s love interest. He was the school’s mascot.  He was one of the few people who was nice to Olive.  Dan Byrd played a gay kid; he was the first to have an imaginary fling with Olive. Later in the movie, he runs off with an older black man after writing a note to his parents telling them he’s gay. This was an allusion to Huckleberry Finn, although Huckleberry Finn was not gay.

Overall, Easy A was a pretty good movie. I would recommend that people see it. It is not just for teens, it is for adults too. If you like literature, you’ll find it more amusing. I would give Easy A an A.

Everything Happens For a Reason & Anti-Love Poem

18 Aug

Everything Happens For a Reason

Everything happens for a reason.

Nobody said life was easy.

You will be convicted of treason.

Just go along with the season,

Sometimes I feel queasy.

Everything happens for a reason.

Please stop the teasin’,

Because I want you to leave me.

You will be convicted of treason.

Smell the flowers, look at the bees and,

Try to look like you’re busy.

Everything happens for a reason.

Don’t do anything bad or you’ll go to prison.

Try your best not to be sleazy.

You will be convicted of treason.

Stop hugging me, I hate your squeezin’,

You suck the breath out of me, I feel wheezy.

Everything happens for a reason.

You will be convicted of treason.

Anti- Love Poem

If he keeps on treating me like a queen, it’s not worth fighting over.

I’m arguing: there’s no need to make a scene, it’s not worth fighting over.

I know it’s right, but it never felt so wrong.

I’m so jealous of you, I’m turning green. It’s not worth fighting over.

He’s a good guy but I don’t feel anything.

This place is fit especially for a king. It’s not worth fighting over.

This relationship will not work for us.

You are not at all capable of being mean. It’s not worth fighting over.

I’m sorry, but I have to break up with you.

Not everything is exactly as it seems. It’s not worth fighting over.

I’ll find someone new who’s much better than you.

These negative feelings inside me sting; it’s not worth fighting over.

I hope you are happy in the future.

You’ll see that I have no reason to scream— it’s not worth fighting over.

I will quickly ride away on my Harley,

And I will finally be able to sing: “It’s not worth fighting over.”


The Loner, The Pain & It Will All Be Over Soon

18 Aug

The Loner

They’ve all gone away.

There is no one here anymore.

There’s nothing more to say.

I’m alone and I’m going to pay.

This has never happened to me before.

They’ve all gone away.

The loneliness each and every day,

Cuts me completely to the core.

There’s nothing more to say.

Yesterday turns into today,

I can’t remember the days of yore.

They ‘ve all gone away.

Tomorrow, I will try to stay:

Being alone is a bore.

There’s nothing more to say.

Today the sky is gray,

My life is total war.

They have all gone away,

There is nothing more to say.

The Pain

You demand oxygen!

Keep my half:

the pain is outrageous,

Exploding pain pelts my dormant brain—

Elks gaze on,

also bagels open the chalkboard.

It Will All Be Over Soon

It will all be over soon.

Don’t bother thinking about it.

Don’t worry about a thing.

The cat looked at the moon,

as the candle ‘s wick was lit.

It will all be over soon.

The paper may be my doom.

Whatever you do, don’t quit!

Don’t worry about a thing.

He acts like a total buffoon.

Soon he’ll have a fit.

It will all be over soon.

He’s as crazy as a loon,

even though he has extraordinary wit.

Don’t worry about a thing.

His attractiveness makes me swoon,

yet I don’t like him one bit!

It will all be over soon.

Don’t worry about a thing.


I Used to…But Now, BO13 & The Silent Man 1

18 Aug

I Used to…But Now

I used to be tall, but now I’m short.

I used to be eleven, but now I’m twenty-two.

I used to do karate, but later I did kickboxing. Now I do neither.

I used to play piano, but I quit that too.

I used to sing in choirs, but now I sing along with the songs on my i-pod.

I used to see a lot of movies, but now I watch trailers.

I used to have a dog, but now I have a cat.

I used to have two birds, but now I have only one.

I used to believe that everyone should like me, but now I know that there is at least one person who will not like me.

I used to laugh at everything everyone said, but now I laugh at everything a certain someone says.


Love is hate’s enemy, and

black is white in shadow.

The mind is strong, but the body is weak.

When there’s a time for a celebration, there’s a time for a revelation:

much to our consternation!

When you suck, you’re out of luck.

The Silent Man 1

When darkness falls—

The silent man calls:

“There’s no one at all,”

Between these two walls

You feel extremely small.

So small that you can curl up into a ball.

So small that it’s like you’re a doll.

He says, “Don’t go to the mall.”

When you fall, you go DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

into the strange abyss

Where everyone likes to kiss, and

everyone speaks with a lisp, and

everyone makes a list, and

everyone likes to do flips (which I cannot and will not do!) and

everyone will slip into the mist (whatever that means)

The only time this silent man speaks, is when darkness falls, and

when he’s alone between those two walls.

At night, he crawls—

into the hall.

When the morning comes,

He says nothing at all.

The cycle repeats itself:

for all balls, dolls, and walls, for those who are small.

In short, for everyone, even those living in the strange abyss:

for those who kiss and do flips,

for those who speak with a lisp and make lists,

for those who will disappear forever (By this, I mean for those who slip into the mist.)

When darkness falls,

The silent man calls,

“There’s no one at all.”

Between these two walls,

You feel extremely small.

Excuses, Excuses, A Series of Questions & Who am I?

18 Aug

Excuses, Excuses

I’m sorry I’m late— My car wouldn’t start, the bus was late, which is why I missed it, I overslept, I was not woken up, my alarm clock doesn’t work, I walk too slow, there was an accident on my way here, Why I don’t have my homework— I didn’t know it was due today, I didn’t know how to do it, I didn’t want to do it, I didn’t know who should help me with it, I lost it, it was too hard.

 A Series of Questions

Why did I do it?

What was the meaning of it?

Where did that come from?

Where are you from?

Where are you?

Where am I?

Why did I say that?

Why can’t I say what I want to say?

Who am I?

Who are you?

Why can’t I be myself?

Why can’t I be more like you?

Why can’t I talk to you?

Why can’t you talk to me?

When will I change?

When will you change?

What time is it?

What’s your problem?

Who am I?

The eyes look sad,

staring back at me.

Eyes that are big and brown

The hair —a tangled mess.

The lines under her eyes tell me she hasn’t slept recently, or that she has trouble sleeping.

She seems haunted by someone or something.

At times, she is self-conscious and exposed,

and at other times, she disappears.

The beauty is there one minute,

but dissolves the next.

The face is so sad—it makes me want to cry.

She seems to ask, “Who am I?”

She wonders who that woman is—the one staring back at her.

She realizes it’s her best friend—-herself.

The Silent Man Pt. II, The Lonely Girl & Killer Headache

18 Aug

The Silent Man Pt. II

There once was a silent man.

whose name was either Sam or Dan.

When he went out, he always thought, “Damn!”

He got in trouble with the law and went on the lam,

He realized he never had a fan.

He was sad to say he’d never had a tan.

He joined a band,

and sang about his hand.

He also sang about the land,

but he was canned.

And so he remained the silent man named Sam or Dan.

The Lonely Girl

Yesterday she slowly walked to the store. Alone.

Today she feels what it’s like to be poor. Alone.

No one can help her fix all her problems.

To her, living all by herself is a bore. Alone.

She looks for that someone who can save her,

Through her pain and loneliness she feels four. Alone.

She needs a hero but a hero will not come.

She falls fast asleep while watching “The Core.” Alone.

She tries to cope by drinking alcohol.

She can’t make herself keep track of the score. Alone.

Tomorrow she will try to get better.

She feels like she doesn’t know herself anymore. Alone.

Now the barley is growing more quickly,

as the girl is lying cold on the floor. Alone.

The Killer Headache

Would someone please,

Cut off my head:

the pain is excruciating,

Exploding pain seeping through my brain:

Every sound like nails on a chalkboard

My vision is as cloudy as a dark sky when it rains.

Nausea coming over me like a tidal wave

The depression felt is like walking on shattered glass.

it hurts to think, but I do it anyway.

all I want is to sleep all day; you can’t sleep your life away!

Put me out of my misery, but don’t kill me,

I don’t want to die.

How can I live with this pain?

causing sorrow to others is unwanted,

I don’t want to be missed.

if suicide were the only option,

family and friends would cry often.

When my head doesn’t ache,

Living equals bliss

the pain is there almost every day,

doctors don’t know what’s wrong,

Don’t worry about me: I’ll be strong.

Can someone please help me?

What should I do?

I can’t live this way,

I must go on living,

for the sake of family and friends,

I choose to live because I don’t want to be gone.

I am strong, and I will live long.